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General information

What is Recruit?

Recruit is a program for managing the faculty recruitment process. The system allows applicants to apply electronically and enables the search committee to see applicant files online.

How References use Recruit

Accessing Recruit

Note: You should have received an email with instructions to log into the system one of two ways. The email will have the subject line: "UC San Diego Recruit: Letter of Reference Requested." If you have not received this email, please contact the applicant so he/she knows to initiate it.

Using the Log In Link:

  1. Click the Log In Link in your email. The Log In Link looks like this:
  2. You will now be logged into Recruit as a reference.

Using your email address and the login token:
If the Log In Link does not work, you can log into the system by providing your email address and the token provided in the email.

  1. Go to the reference login URL:
  2. Enter your email address into the appropriate field.
  3. Copy and Paste the token from your email into the appropriate field. The Token is a long string of random letters and numbers that allow you to securely upload letters of recommendation for an applicant.
  4. Click the Log in button
  5. You will now be logged into Recruit as a reference.

Uploading a letter

  1. Access Recruit.
  2. Read the confidentiality statement, and check the box below it.
  3. Click the Accept & Continue button. accept and continue button
  4. Click the Choose File button, and select the desired file. choose file for upload button
  5. (optional) Enter a comment.
  6. Click the Upload letter button. upload file button
  7. Your reference letter will now be uploaded and a success window will appear. You will then be prompted to log out. Thank you for submitting your letter of reference.

Note: By default, your uploaded letters will not be set to reuse for future letter requests. If you'd prefer to have your letter be automatically reused for future requests, you can select the option marked "Automatically reuse this generic letter and notify me".

Please note, you will receive an error message if your file is over 50 MB in size.

PDFs and supported media file types

  1. Please convert your Confidential Letter of Recommendation to a PDF file. A PDF will preserve the fonts, letterhead images, and layout of the original document while compressing the document to reduce its size. Once converted, these documents will have a ".pdf" file extension, and will be easily readable by the search committees, using any PDF application, regardless of the operating system.
  2. See Creating PDF Files for more information.
  3. Other supported media file types include: zip, jpg, rar, tif, mov, bmp, 3gp, png, wmv, m4v, psd, swf, tiff, mp3, mp4.

Reusing letters

By default, references will be asked to upload a new letter every time the applicant utilizes the reference for their application. However, if desired, you can have any previously uploaded letter for an applicant be automatically reused if that same applicant requests another letter.

There are two ways to reuse a letter: automatically reuse, or manually upload a file.

Automatically reuse letters
Upon uploading a letter, Recruit will have it set to automatically reuse for this particular applicant's future requests.

  • Letters will only be reusable for one year. Past one year, a new letter will need to be uploaded for the applicant.
  • Recruit will send you an email every time your letter is reused for this applicant.
  • You can choose to manually upload a new letter for every request by disabling the letter reuse option (see below for details).

Use a new letter
If you had previously set your letter to be reused for future requests, but now wish to use a new letter of reference, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Use a different letter" link
  2. Select either the option "Upload a letter" or "Type in letter".
  3. After having added a new letter or typing in a letter, you have the option to set this new letter to be reused for future requests.

Disable automatically reused letters
If you do not wish to reuse letters, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Log In Link in your email.
  2. Upload the desired letter of reference, or manually type in the letter of reference.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select "Always email me to ask for a new letter".